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RUNX1 – Neoplasias Hematológicas Hereditarias: No Tan Poco Frecuentes (Seminario Virtual) 


(Hereditary Hematological Neoplasms: Not So Rare)   September 23rd: 11 am CST  /  12 pm CDT  /  1 pm EST / 2 pm UYT / 7 pm CEST  Neoplasias Hematológicas Hereditarias: No Tan Poco Frecuentes  (Hereditary Hematological Neoplasms: Not So Rare)  Virtual – In Spanish  Webinar by RUNX1 Research Program for Spanish-speaking healthcare providers about how and when to […]

Cancer + Careers: Pregunte A Los Expertos Seminario: Balacear el trabajo y el cáncer con Sissy Silva, Cancer and Careers  Cancer + Careers: Pregunte A Los Expertos:


September 24, 2024  Seminario: Balacear el trabajo y el cáncer con Sissy Silva, Cancer and Careers   Virtual – In Spanish  Durante este seminario web, nos enfocaremos en formas de manejar el trabajo durante o después del tratamiento.   English: During this online seminar, we’ll focus on ways to navigate work during and after treatment.  

Genetic Findings Driving Blood Cancer in Latinos

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Free Virtual Webinar, September 27     9-10:30 am PST/ 11-12:30 pm CDT/Noon - 1:30 pm ET  September is Blood Cancer Awareness Month! Join us for our 2nd of the Friday Forum Series on Sept 27th. During this intense one-and-a-half-hour webinar we explore groundbreaking research into blood cancer in Latino populations and barriers to the latest life-saving […]

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back – Advances and Barriers in Latina Breast Cancer 

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Free Virtual Webinar, October 4th, 2024   9-10:30 am PST / 11-12:30 pm CDT / Noon - 1:30 pm ET  Join us during Breast Cancer Awareness Month for a crucial discussion on breast cancer care in Latino/a communities. In this 3rd Forum in the series, we explore research progress and disparities in genetic and genomic testing […]

How Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Health Tech Intersect in Latino Lives 

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Free Virtual Webinar, October 11th, 2024   9-10:30 am PST / 11-12:30 pm CDT / Noon - 1:30 pm ET  Artificial Intelligence is revolutionizing healthcare, but what does this mean for Latino communities? Join us for our 4th Friday Forum as we dive into how AI intersects with Latino health, influencing cancer interventions, diagnosis, and care. […]

Cancer + Careers: Pregunte A Los Expertos Seminario – Balacear el Trabajo y el Cáncer: Preguntas y Respuestas con Victoria Blinder, MD, MSC  


October 15, 2024  Balacear el Trabajo y el Cáncer: Preguntas y Respuestas con Victoria Blinder, MD, MSC   Virtual – In Spanish  Durante esta sesión, la Dra. Victoria Blinder, responderá a sus preguntas relacionadas con el equilibrio entre la salud y las demandas laborales.   English: During this session, Dr. Victoria Blinder will answer questions on balancing […]

Can the HPV Vaccine Help Conquer Latina Cervical Cancer? 

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Free Virtual Webinar, October 18th, 2024   9-10:30 am PST / 11-12:30 pm CDT / Noon - 1:30 pm ET  Join us for a critical discussion on the potential of the HPV vaccine to eliminate cervical cancer in Latina communities. In this 5th Friday Forum, our panelists will explore:   Featuring speakers: Dr. Jane Montealegre, MD Anderson […]

6th Annual Forum: A National Perspective on the Impact of Cancer Research, Leadership, and Engagement within the Latino Community


Free Virtual Webinar, October 25, 2024     9-12 noon PST/ 11-2:00 pm CDT/Noon – 3:00 pm EST  In the concluding session of our virtual Friday Forum Series, you’ll hear from the Director of the NCI, the Chair of the President’s Cancer Panel and the latest from the All of Us research program.   For more information on […]

Breast Cancer, Diet, and Heart Health: What the Pathways Study Reveals


Format: Online Webinar Discover how findings from the Pathways Study are unlocking new ways to protect breast cancer survivors from heart disease. Learn practical, research-backed lifestyle tips from Isaac Ergas, PhD, and Robin Zwerling Baltrushes, MD, to improve long-term health. Connect with leading researchers shaping survivorship care and learn more about the Pathways Study at […]

Cancer + Careers: Preguntale A Los Expertos Seminario – Balacear el Trabajo y el Cáncer: Preguntas y Respuestas con Nieves Cuervo, MD 


November 5, 2024  Balacear el Trabajo y el Cáncer: Preguntas y Respuestas con Nieves Cuervo, MD   Virtual – In Spanish  Durante esta sesión, la Dra. Nieves Cuervo, responderá a sus preguntas relacionadas con el equilibrio entre la salud mental y las demandas laborales.   English: During this session, Dr. Nieves Cuervo will answer questions related to […]

Triage Cancer Webinars: Tips on Accessing Care

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11am PT / 1pm CT /2pm ET  Duration: 90 minutes  Tips on Accessing Care   This webinar will present tips for accessing cancer screenings, testing, and biomarker testing, including insurance coverage for these services, and steps to take if insurance denies coverage. Course Level: Beginner. 

Breast Cancer Study Townhall: Sharing Results

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Free Virtual Townhall March 17, 2025 -  12:00 PM - 1:00 PM PST Join Dr. Manali Patel (Stanford) and Ysabel Duron (TLCI) to learn about findings from our research on genomic testing access disparities among diverse breast cancer patients. This study is a collaborative project between Stanford University, The Latino Cancer Institute, and multiple community […]


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